
Mobile Case Study

Mobile Case Study for a family-owned,
Texas construction conglomerate.

Construction <br>Mobile Case Study


This family-owned, Texas construction company wanted to improve operating costs to reinvest in their IT infrastructure. They are a multi-disciplinary construction company with subsidiaries focused on different key markets including Transportation, Tunnels, Heavy Civil and Marine, Facilities, Conveyance and Alternative Delivery.   

  • 4000+ employees
  • Annual revenues of $1.5B and $8.4B under contract
  • $ 25M – 50M IT Budget
  • Completed more than 50k projects in 60 countries

The Challenge

Each arm within this company’s family of businesses manages its own Information Technology services and systems. The company, as a whole, has a core team of a few individuals that support the organization’s staff, field operations, network services, application management, and cyber security protection.

As with many organizations during COVID, enhanced cyber security threats placed an immediate strain on the company’s IT teams. This left their IT teams with little time for daily, tedious tasks. A significant frustration point for them emerged in their cellular services. They rely on their cellular services to enable remote work and field-based staff. Then, out of nowhere, due to “bulk service” billing, their costs started going up with little transparency. They couldn’t get a direct answer from their reps and didn’t have the time or resources to dig too deeply to figure things out.

The Solution

Televon’s Mobile Management Service provided the perfect solution. Televon’s trained experts and cellular analytics tool quickly organize, analyze, and identify cost issues. At the same time, it creates a platform to manage mobile devices, service contracts, and spend.

With our service, the construction company hoped we could stabilize their monthly expenses by getting to the bottom of vague billing, while also getting an understanding of how devices were being used.

The Results

With our Mobile Optimization this company will realize

$2.6 Million 10 Year Projected Savings

$264,996 Projected 12 Months Savings

$22,083 Monthly Average Savings

Mobile Construction Case Study

Televon moved quickly to analyze contracts, bills, historical records, and user behavior.

  • September 10, 2021 – Became a Televon Client
  • September 16, 2021 – Televon gains access to the client’s wireless accounts (Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and T-Mobile)
  • October 1, 2021 – Televon completes baseline (a historical trend analysis at a device level looking at usage, spend and contracts) of client’s wireless services
  • October 22, 2021 – Televon presents findings of current state analysis, potential options, and recommendations of $265,000 annual cost reductions
    • No new contracts
    • No carrier switching
    • No new device purchases necessary
  • October 30, 2021 – Client approves all recommendations and Televon immediately begins implementation
    Monthly Savings expected on November 2021 carrier bills.

Key take-aways:

  • From joining Televon to realizing $22,083 per month in savings will take approximately 70 days.
  • The company had to sign 4 documents (Televon’s Contract + 3 Carrier Letters of Authorization LOAs) and create 3 user accounts (one for each carrier). A total of 1 hour of work to save massive amounts of future time.
  • The implemented savings are recurring, not one time.
  • Televon focuses on reducing costs for services you buy and use, not trying to get you to switch to new services.

Let's take a look

Are you sure you are getting the best price out there?
Let us take a look. Our full analysis and written report is complimentary. If our recommendations aren’t implemented, you don’t owe us anything. It’s risk free
and near zero effort for your staff.